Taking a road trip is one of the most rewarding vacations you can take. To experience the world around in a new and different viewpoint will change you. The road trip truly is where the voyage is as important and valuable as the destination. So you are all packed, the route is all mapped out, and you are off! Only to find out an hour in that you forgot your cell phone charger. Sure, you can purchase a new one on the road, but then you start worrying that there is something else you forgot… this has happened to all of us before! So here at USA CamperVan, besides making renting a camper van easy as can be, we have also compiled this list of things not to forget for your life-changing trip!

We have compiled products that you can grab last second from amazon to have delivered to you before your voyage!

The Essentials

Alright, the items in this list might seem like no brainers, but it feels nice to be able to cross them off a list to make sure you have them! 

License and registration: Your license is probably in your wallet or purse, so making sure you have this is also double checking you have your wallet and purse with you! Having your registration in the vehicle and easily accessible is also important. This also includes passports if you are traveling over that border! Check and then double-check!

Insurance card and info: If you are taking your own vehicle or renting one of our many great CamperVans, it’s important to print your policies or insurance information to have handy (and of course, in a digital world, you can also have these on your phone, just make sure they are easy to pull up and reference if needed. Downloading any pdf’s or screenshots are handy in case you find yourself in a place with bad service)

This faux leather vehicle and travel info holder is perfect for keeping all those important papers close and easily accessible

Vehicle manual: Getting to know your vehicle before the trip is important. Any manuals or guides that you have is always a good idea to bring. Better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them!

Roadside emergency kit: It’s always a good idea to travel with one, no matter where you are going! Being ready for any type of emergency is a great idea, as they say, better safe than sorry.

This roadside kit has just about everything you might need and then some

Traveling Entertainment and Staying Connected

Some of these items listed below might also be considered “essential”, I mean, how long would the average person survive without there phone! These items are also for your actual travel, so make sure they are packed to deep and are easily accessible. 

Phone charger: I mean, right now, when you leave the house we are always checking 2 things, do we have our wallet/purse and is our phone in our pocket. But besides being connected to the world, or having a way to reach someone if there is trouble, we utilize our phones as a multipurpose traveling tool, as you will see in the next few items of this list.

Bluetooth/headset: We all know it is very important to not text and drive and to try as much as possible, not talk on our phones while we drive. But as you are spending your days driving to new and exciting places, there will be times where you might need to take a call, and if you can’t pull over, having a Bluetooth headset or speaker is a great alternative.

The perfect bluetooth speaker to connect to your visor and keep your hands on the steering wheel!

Road trip tunes!: This might be an underrated checklist item, but having a playlist of your favorite music to vibe too makes the long stretches much more enjoyable! You might have a collection of CD’s that you can bring, or more likely, a favorite streaming service. One thing we have learned on our many road trips that people often don’t think about; DOWNLOAD YOUR PLAYLISTS TO YOUR PHONE! You will undoubtedly travel in those spots where you don’t get service, and being able to continue to listen to your music without missing a beat is huge! This also includes your favorite podcasts or audiobooks.

If you are exactly sure how to do that, we have found guides to doing this to some of your favorite streaming services (click service to see guides):

Google Music

Have a different streaming service you like? Google this to help you find how to also download for offline listening:

‘how to download *insert streaming service name here* for offline listening’

Cameras, drones, go pros, etc: Anything you might have to help capture your amazing road trip experience! Almost as much fun as experiencing your adventures is to be able to look back and remember all the great and wonderful memories! Trust me, no one ever regrets capturing moments and memories!

Books!: Have a book you’ve been dying to read, but have felt you haven’t had the time to, bring it along! There are few things better than finding a quiet spot in nature and engulfing yourself deep in a good book! (My favorite is Jurassic Park…. And reading that in the forest only makes it that much cooler)

Travel Games: This is a great thing to think about especially if you are traveling with kids. There are hundreds of travel versions of games, but also many games you can play that are free! Look some up on the internet and be ready for some road trip fun! (as a kid my brothers and I loved ‘travel bingo’…. And still do!)

Tablets and computers: You might be taking this trip to get away from all the technology all around you, but it is also sometimes nice to have a little entertainment backup (especially if you have kiddos). Try to make sure that your tablets and computers are loaded with games and movies that might be enjoyable. Netflix, hulu, Disney + and all those streaming services you can download to view offline as well. A great idea to get that done before you head off on your trip!

Just like downloading your favorite music, google this if you need help learning how to download media to your tablets or computers:

‘how to download *insert streaming service name here* for offline viewing’

Items That Make Life a Lot Easier

These items might not be “necessary”,  but having them with you will make your life a lot better!

Maps! Paper and digital: Having an idea of where you are going and having at least a rough route planned out will make life a lot more enjoyable! Bringing paper maps is always a great idea, no matter where you are, paper maps don’t need cell service and will never run out of batteries. So at least having them as a backup is a great idea. And digital maps as well. If you are using google maps for your trip, download the maps of the areas you are visiting as well as your route. Having this available even when you might not have cell service can be life-saving!

To learn how to download google maps, >click here<

The ultimate road atlas to keep you from being lost and to help find those hidden routes

A notebook and something to write with: There are so many reasons to have a notebook with you. Use it as a journal. Jot down memories. Doodle or draw things from your trip. Take notes of what you see. And so many other applications that the question really is, why wouldn’t you bring it!

A safe place to keep your thoughts, memories and notes about your adventures

Spare Cash: This is a great idea to have a little money on you for emergencies. And you never know where your travels might take you and if you will need cash because card machines aren’t an option!

Flashlight: As you know, there are a million reasons to have a flashlight handy, so instead of listing them all, we will just say, don’t forget it!

Not only a bright light, but also wide viewing angle to help you find your dropped keys

Bug Repellent: this might come in the form of a spray or some sort of repellent device. No matter where your travels might take you, you can be sure of one thing, there will be bugs there!

A must for anyone and everyone wanting to enjoy the outdoors without being eaten alive

Water: Of course other drinks and snacks are important, but almost nothing is as important as water and staying hydrated!

Weather preparedness: Going to a place that it snows? Rains? Being prepared for the weather, unexpected and expected, is a great idea. Umbrellas, ice scrappers, shovels, whatever weather situation you might find yourself in, it’s nice to be prepared for it.

Self-care and Comfort Items

These items are things that are going to keep you comfortable as you travel, visit new places, and sleep under the star or cozy in your camper van.

Pillows: Travel pillow or even regular pillows. If you are wanting to stop and take a nap, or your passenger(s) want to rest while you sleep, make sure you pack comfy pillows!

Having a comfy travel pillow is going to save you from all those lengthy road hours

Blankets: enough to keep you warm and then some. Even during the summers nights temperatures can drop pretty low, so having plenty of blankets or sleeping bags to keep you cozy is important

Pendleton is one of our all time favorite blankets to keep us warm on a cold night or wrapped up in while enjoying a campfire

Medications: Whether prescribed or just medication to fight off that headache, planning ahead, and making sure you have everything you might need is a must. I know some places I need to bring some allergy medicine because if I don’t, little fun will be had!

Flips Flops, sandals or slippers: Whatever your style might be, as you are enjoying your road trip and a CamperVan, there will undoubtedly be times where you need to jump out and use the restroom at night and not having to put on your shoes will be a nice little treat.

Towels and toiletries: Showers are always nice to have every once in a while. Whether that be in the back of a van, a campsite or the river, having a way to wash up and dry off will be a much appreciated little extra.

Day Pack: Creating a day pack for any spontaneous hikes or explorations is a great idea. Water bottles, first aid kit, flashlight, sunscreen and more are a good idea to include in your day pack.

Having a day pack makes any hike or jaunt around the city so much better and keeps you prepared

Some Extras to Consider to Make Road Trip Life Easier

Depending on where you are going, how long you will be gone for and all that you have planned to do while you travel, will affect what kind of extras you want to bring. Here are some ideas to help get you thinking about your own items to add to the list:

Snacks: Road trip snacking is some of the best kind of snacking! Just try not to snack on too much junk food! Snacks that give you energy and help you stay alert are ideal. Energy bars, trail mix and more are a great way to enhance any road trip.

Car Cooler: If you can get a little cooler that can fit some snacks and keep your drinks nice and cold, you will be living the dream!

Having your own little fridge in arms length triples your snacking powers by 10

Plastic bags or garbage bags: Veteran road trippers have quickly learned that having a little trash bag to collect all the wrappers and bottles from the trip is not only a great idea but will keep your road trip vehicle clean and zen-like! Also, bring a few extras for wet or dirty clothes.

Keeping your car clean with this travel trash can will keep you sane and decluttered

A road trip “partner in crime”!: You might be the lone wolf that enjoys traveling in solitude, but for the rest of us, having a travel partner makes everything so much sweeter. A DJ, a snack grabber, a map navigator and so much more! Sharing the open road and the experiences you are about to have is heightened by having someone to share it all with!


And there it is! A little list to get you started. Essentials for any road tripper, whether you are traveling close to home or across the country. Being prepared for your trip is the best way to have a successful trip! And of course, USA CamperVan is always here to help you get on the road. Check out our fully-loaded CamperVans and start planning your next adventure!

Let us know if you have any road trip essentials that are must-haves for your trips! And don’t forget to check out our other blogs for travel ideas, lists, and road trip destinations!